Bolz has been training in the martial arts for 40 years and began her training in
Matsuyama City, Shikoku Island, Japan. She has lived and studied in Japan for five
years and returns to Japan and Okinawa often to continue to study under her sensei.
She is a direct student of Shihan Ken-ichi Tatara of Matsuyama, Japan (Wado Ryu
Karate), of Nishiuchi Shihan (Pang Gai Noon Ryu, Okinawan Kobudo) and Kaicho Kinjo
(Pang Gai Noon Ryu, Okinawan Kobudo). She is a godan in Pang Gai Noon Ryu karate
Do and rokudan of the International Okinawa Kobudo Association.
She has practiced long and hard under all of these sensei, but especially with Nishiuchi
Shihan and handles the main functions of the International Okinawa Kobudo Association.
Please note that Shihan Bolz is available for seminars world-wide. For information
on seminars conducted by her, please contact the honbu dojo.